Unlike many other financial services companies, our firm does not charge fees or provide services based on the amount of money you have saved, often referred to as your Assets Under Management (AUM). Charging fees using this methodology excludes a large amount of the population that could otherwise benefit from, and increase their wealth by, a comprehensive financial plan. We also do not sell any insurance or investment products and receive no commissions for any recommendations or referrals made on your behalf.
Each of our engagements begins with a thirty minute phone call to assess your current situation and gauge the amount of work required to build your initial financial plan. A basic financial plan will cost $4,000 and provide all the information you need to begin your financial journey, including:
- Balance sheet showing assets, liabilities and net worth
- Future cash flow projections in retirement
- Review of current debt structure and savings plans
- Analysis of investments and assessment of risk tolerance
- Review of life, disability and long-term care insurance coverage
- Retirement planning projections incorporating social security strategies
- Tax planning strategies to minimize present and/or future tax liabilities
- “What-if” scenarios that stress test your plan under unexpected events
- Written recommendations and detailed instructions for implementation
- Two follow up phone calls to answer questions and monitor progress
Following your initial financial plan, you can choose to retain us for ongoing financial planning services for a monthly or quarterly fee. This fee varies based on your ongoing planning needs and budget.